Friday, April 13, 2018

Manifesting Your Dream Life

From all of my life’s major accomplishments thus far, I must admit that many if not all of them came about because of manifestation.  Like all of us, my life has been a quest and a journey to reach my present state. Where I am now is that result of all of my decisions and how I have viewed the world around me. And like everyone else, I am still working on my present goals and visions to reach the peaks I currently seek.
There are those times whenever we reach one of our simple goals, and then there are those other times when it requires a lot more power – and lots more manifesting.  I have been looking back recently on what I have to become in order to reach certain goals.  What does that person have to look like? And what is required of me to become her? Is this really the path I want to travel down?  

Sometimes to achieve a thing that you have never gotten previously, you have to end up becoming something you have never ever been before.  This might be some new habit or even a new mindset. It is really up to each of us to discover and learn the things we will need to help us achieve our goals.
This is my 3 step approach toward manifesting my dreams into reality

Begin With a Strong Vision
Many of us like to call them visions, goals, or dreams – that is up to you how you look at it.  You want to select something that will add some great value towards your life, brings you great happiness, and leaves you with a huge sense of contentment.  Think about this desire you now have which will convert this vision into a reality, get yourself into the proper mindset and put that strong vibration out into the universe.

Believe in an Outcome
Now you must truly believe with your heart that what you are putting out there and the thing you are trying to attract and manifest in your life. See yourself in those situations, having the things you are attempting to attract, see yourself becoming what you are attempting to attract. Put yourself firmly into that scenario, take note of how that makes you feel and establish that intention which will become a part of your new life. Re-structure your old mindset or old habits to embrace the feelings behind this new vision. Develop reminders of this new goal – easy and simple reminders which will give you those feelings every day.

Get out of the way and Let the Universe Do Its Thing
Put your trust entirely in the universe and develop a deep belief in your new vision.  Be careful not to obsess over it as this is not necessarily the best way to manifest your dream – so try not to be too demanding, too pushy or set rigid deadlines. Keep your mind open to ways in which your visions can manifest into your life, and openly invite and encourage whatever comes your way.